Where Can a Miner Go

Where can a miner go?
When they tell him the pit is to close.
For all of his life he’s been digging the coal,
Where can a miner go?
Where can a miner go?

Where does a turner turn?
When the steel works are closing their gates.
When the ashes are cold and the furnace an urn,
Where does a turner turn?
Where does a turner turn?

What can a shipwright say?
When the stocks are laid empty and bare.
When the last of liners have all sailed away,
What can a shipwright say?
What can a shipwright say?

Where will our children go?
With closed factories, and industry gone.
No shipyards or steelyards, no digging for coal,
Where will our children go?
Where will our children go?

Where can a miner go?
When they tell him the pit is to close.
For all of his life he’s been digging the coal,
Where can a miner go?
Where can a miner go?

From the album "Along The Miners' Rows"
© W. J. Adair/Sad Jeb Music 2008

Music and lyrics are the copyright of Bill Adair. You may use the songs and you may print the lyrics in order to learn them but you may not reproduce any of this material in written, printed or recorded form, online or offline, for any other purpose than your own personal use without permission from the copyright owner. The use of any of the content, written or recorded, for any commercial or profitmaking purpose online or offline is totally prohibited.

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