Along the Miners' Rows

About a hundred families lived here one day,
In houses round the square and by the railway.
Now they are long since gone,
But the memory lingers on,
And I remember how it used to be,
Along the miners’ rows.

On Saturday the children would all wander
To Aggie Bide’s wee shop down on the corner,
And there they’d stand and pick,
Penny chews and liquorice stick,
Then play among the ash-pits,
Along the miners’ rows.

Then men worked in the pit to make a living,
Where they mined and dug the coal for a few shillings.
You would see them every day,
With their faces lined and grey,
Going home to wives and families,
Along the miners’ rows.

Then in fifty-nine there came disaster,
And life would never be the same thereafter.
For forty-seven men,
Never came back home again,
And there were tears and sadness
Along the miners’ rows.

They came and built new houses down there one day.
The rows are long since gone and so’s the railway.
But if you listen there,
Sometimes, just like a prayer,
You can hear the children playing,
You can hear the pit shift changing,
You can still hear people crying,
All along the miners’ rows.

From the album "Along The Miners' Rows"
© W. J. Adair/Sad Jeb Music 2008

Music and lyrics are the copyright of Bill Adair. You may use the songs and you may print the lyrics in order to learn them but you may not reproduce any of this material in written, printed or recorded form, online or offline, for any other purpose than your own personal use without permission from the copyright owner. The use of any of the content, written or recorded, for any commercial or profitmaking purpose online or offline is totally prohibited.

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